I'm told it's been a hard year on livestock. The hay shortage has affected many animals and farmers have been selling off livestock to market (aka meat). My goats are pets are selling them off is not an option for us, however, the drought did cause us to have an early baby and now we have complications. Mom has rejected her baby. Partially because she's a man crazy goat and can't stand to be separated from her baby daddy, and partially because her udder is infected and it's painful to nurse. In the wild animal world this is bad news for the baby. Good news for baby goat, who's name has gone from Button, to Penny to Benjamin Button to BB to BiBi in honor of BiBi Netanyahu, we have compassionate humans willing to go the extra mile.
We started with an emergency trip to Tractor Supply and $30 on colostrum replacer, milk replacer and a lamb nipple. Luckily I got in touch with some goat people who said dollar store bottles and whole milk from the grocery store was our best bet. Check out our results with BiBi the goat.
The other thing about having a bottle baby is where do they sleep? The Billy and the mother rammed him against the fence and my donkeys were pretty intent on stomping him to death, so BiBi moved into the dog cage wearing child's pull-ups and some baby pajamas we found in the goodwill pile. Now he thinks he's a human or a dog or something other than a goat.